Sunday, August 29, 2021

20 Creepiest Places in the World

i just searching and watching in youtube when i see this video. i watch it and i see that this video is interesting and i want the other people see this, hope you like it and you will share this to your friend.

From abandoned towns to underground vaults of death, these are 20 of the most terrifying and creepy places in the world that you likely WON'T
want to visit!

Man appears to be out in the middle of nowhere. Look closely at his board...

When I first saw this photo, I thought it was a man on vacation since he was on a paddleboard. What else can he be doing? The water is so blue and the sun seems so bright....

That is until I looked at the other photos and was seriously blown away.

Sean Yoro loves paddling out and exploring the waters. In this case, he's in 'scout mode'.... 
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His work is so lifelike that often times I forget I'm looking at a painting! It's difficult enough to paint on land, so he fact he can do it on the water is even more impressive. Bravo!

It looks like an ordinary Plastic object, but watch what happen when he twist it

What is round and square and confusing all over? An "ambiguous cylinder"! The Ambiguous Cylinder Illusion, seen in this video, took second prize in the 2016 Illusion of the Year contest. The illusionist places several groups of cylinders in front of a mirror -- but are they round or square?

The answer depends on whether you're looking at the cylinders or at their reflection: one will appear to be square-shaped and the other will appear to be round. The illusionist, from Meiki University in Japan, then turns each group of cylinders around, reversing the appearance of the shape.

The key to the illusion is the way that the top of the cylinder is cut; instead of flat, the top is  an uneven wave. This leads the eye into perceiving the entire cylinder (which is actually a rounded square shape, or "squircle") as either square or round, depending upon the angle your line of sight is taking. That's why the real cylinders appear to be one shape and their reflections appear to be another. Make Anything has posted a quick and dirty explanation video to their YouTube channel, as well as files for creating your own cylinders with a 3-D printer.

The annual Illusion of the Year contest, hosted by the Neural Correlate Society, is designed to encourage the creation of illusions that assist ophthalmologists and neurologists in learning how the brain perceives images. This knowledge is helpful in understanding and treating certain cognitive and perceptual disorders.
Watch Video Below:

They Look Like Normal Marines, But When The Music Starts? I Can't Stop Laughing

What These Marines Do In Their Spare Time Is Downright Hilarious

When enlisted in the Marines, or any armed service for that matter, the dull moments are few and far between. Yet, when this group of Marines found themselves killing time during a mundane field day, they decided to make the most of it.

These brave men lined up in this empty classroom for what seemed like no apparent reason. Yet, as soon as one of their fellow Marines hit the music, they all knew what to do. When we here at SFG saw this amazing footage, we couldn't help but laugh, but what do you think? Let us know your thoughts and feelings in the comment section below.

Did you know what the papaya (papaya) can do for your body? ... It can help you lose weight.

The good news is that today learn a diet you can do with this fruit to lose weight quickly.

By following this diet exclusively well you see its effects, and this fruit is very rich and will help activate your metabolism making you can lose weight. So it looks like you should follow this diet for five days you lose weight, you is great.

First we will explain a little about this fruit so rich and exotic.
Image courtesy of  SOMMAI at

Papaya is a fruit that comes from the papaya tree called, is an arboreal plant that originally comes from the Americas. It is cultivated and usually grows all areas of warm tropical climate and is very famous in Latin America, so it sells very well.

Ancient indigenous Mexican cultures, associated its medicinal uses with fertility, besides its trunk has branches and can grow to over six meters, the leaves are dark green, shaped like rounded and large, with a long appendix.

It has a texture a bit esclerificada or rather woody, with many dents caused by the movement of the leaves and fruit. The sap substance has an enzyme called papain, this supplement is excellent for our health and works as a tenderizer for meats.

Find out how you can speed up metabolism with this fruit

Papaya manages accelerate your metabolism and therefore works faster, however, some people consider very unpleasant smell. But the papaya has good properties that help us improve the digestion of protein, is low in calories, keeps your metabolism and actually helps you lose weight.

It is important to mention that is also credited as a diuretic as it helps removing water from our body and has electrolytes that treat heart failure and high blood pressure.

Papaya diet to lose weight in just five days

Activates the metabolism and manages to lose weight in 5 days with the diet papaya. You have to follow this diet for only five days, as we explain below.

First and second day:

Papaya diet begins with two days of fasting, that is, only you can eat for two days papaya. No problem then, when you are hungry eat papaya as you like, it will not hurt him at all, because the papaya has many benefits and will be two days of papaya to cleanse and purify your body well and will have the strongest tissues thanks to its high content of beta-carotene.

You must keep in mind that you can not eat another fruit, and do not worry if this diet gives you a little diarrhea, headache or constipation, it is normal because the body was found in healing crisis, which means that it will be eliminated all the accumulated wastes and toxins.

Third, fourth and fifth day:

In the following days you should add to your diet a glass of warm water with lemon and a tablespoon of olive oil, along with a nutritious bowl of papaya well. When within 30 minutes after the papaya ate, eat a yogurt with whole grains.

During the day you have to keep eating this fruit, and can also be a bit of cooked and raw vegetables (not potatoes), to eat. Avoid eating foods that are made with flour or sugar, as the diet should be based on vegetables, dairy and cereal products, so that the papaya can eliminate everything that is accumulated in the body, debugged well.

Hero Bus driver saves woman from jumping off bridge

A bus driver in east China is being hailed as a hero for saving a woman from committing suicide.

Bian Pengfei, a bus driver in Nanjing, capital of east China's Jiangsu Province, was driving across a bridge on the Yangtze River at noon on Sunday when he spotted a woman who had crossed the guard rail and was trying to jumping off the bridge.

The quick thinking driver soon stopped the bus, opened the door and pulled the woman down from her precarious position.

Bian and several others then escorted the woman, appearing very emotional, onto the bus, and drove it to the destination of the line, where she was taken to a nearby police station for questioning.

Source: New China TV

This video will remind you Why You Should Never Fall Asleep At Work

This is the things that i'dont want to happen to me, sleeping at the time of work then when you wake up their's no one around you, your co-workers disappear and you don't know if what's happening

This guy sleep at the time of work he knows that he fall asleep  and the day is Friday and then his co-worker telling him that its Sunday, oh men how crazy is that who can sleep from Friday to Sunday

By the way that's a crazy good punishment for sleeping on job

Watch the video below

Video of Craziest Things Found By Airport Security

For any of us that have flown in an airplane, we know that air travel is one of the biggest headaches known to man. In addition to the extraordinarily high ticket prices, most of us also have to pay a luggage fee, along with convenient upgrades, plus the overpriced airport food. And if you want to check a bag, you’re confined to numerous rules and restrictions to what you can and can’t bring. Of course, with all of the recent terrorist attacks and September 11th, many are skittish about the intentions of other passengers, so the Transportation Security Administration was created in 2001 in order to help secure the airways and ports in the United States. But despite the presence of the TSA, people will still try to smuggle in odd things that are not limited to, but including drugs, animals, bugs, plants, and more.
For example, a woman was stopped in an airport in Melbourne when it was noticed that she was making strange and watery noises. Security then gave her a more detailed pat down and discovered that she have over 51 different kinds of exotic and tropical fish under her clothes in 15 little bags, stored in pockets. If that wasn’t bizarre enough, a total of eighteen severed heads were discovered in shipment at O’Hare in Chicago, which of course made the media go crazy with the headlines. It was later discovered that the heads were in the process of a legitimate shipment between medical facilities in Rome and Chicago. Talk about people losing their head over something that ended up being legitimate!

While you’re on vacation, of course there is always that one souvenir that you can’t resist bringing home with you. One traveler was out scuba diving and discovered a coral-covered cannonball in the midst of an 18th century shipwreck. Even though the traveler’s intentions were purely innocent, the airport had to shut down and be evacuated, since cannonballs are considered to be explosives.

Then of course people just have to fly with their animals and plants. One man was discovered to have brought 30 dead snakes that were venomous, from his trip to South Korea. Was he trying to bring home a souvenir? Or needed supplies to create a deadly poison? Then a woman was discovered to have packed a (sedated) 2 month old tiger cub in her suitcase. She was arrested and the cub was taken to a sanctuary for tigers. Speaking of animals, a man was also stopped in Los Angeles after an exotic bird flew from his suitcase. He also had 50 rare orchids as well as hid two monkeys in his pants.

And of course, people will try to smuggle drugs in. One guy actually had a real broken legs and managed to create a cast made from eleven pounds of cocaine. He might have been able to have gotten away with it if it wasn’t for the additional cocaine that was found in his bag.

Here is another interesting video posted on youtube by THERICHEST