Sunday, September 7, 2014

A Baby boy Lachlan's first hearing aids aged 7 weeks old. see what baby's reaction when he heard parents voice

posted on youtube by: TOBY LEVER Our beautiful son Lachlan was diagnosed as having moderate to severe hearing loss in both ears. When he was 7 weeks old he received his first hearing aids. His reaction when they were turned on was truly amazing. We cried from happiness. Our beautiful little boy is now two years old and doing remarkably well. Lachlan's first hearing aids aged 7 weeks old. Our gorgeous baby boy.

The heart warming video shows Victorian couple Michelle and Toby Lever overwhelmed with emotion at the 'truly amazing' moment a specialist fits their gorgeous baby Lachlan with a hearing aid.
Now the video has gone viral worldwide, with more than 159,000 likes and 130,000 shares on Facebook.
‘I am so happy that we can share our magic moment with the world,’ Ms Lever told Daily Mail Australia.
‘I hope it can give some other families the realisation everything is going to be okay.’
'When they turned the headphones on and Lachlan smiled and his face lit up, it was the most magical thing I’d ever seen in my life,' said Ms Lever.
'I had never been more happy in my life.'
Although the touching moment only came to light in the last week, the video was filmed in July 2012.
‘(The attention) has all come completely out of the blue. It started last Thursday, but it’s happening so quickly. I went to bed on Saturday with six thousand likes and when I woke up on Sunday there were 40 thousand!’ said Ms Lever. 
‘It's such a happy, special moment. My baby’s world just opened up, it was so emotional. Now that it’s gone viral I'm reliving that moment all over again,’ said Ms Lever.

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