Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Man With Autism Turns His Home Into Something Amazing For His Pets


Greg Kruegar grew up with people not understanding him. But now he understands his disability and now he sees it as a gift. And HOW he uses it to care for his family of furry friends just made my day! Do you know someone who cares for their animals like Greg loves his cats?

People build bird houses, swing sets, tree houses and even skating rinks for their kids. But a Minnesota man has created an indoor fun house just for cats.

Homeowner Greg Krueger loves trails and paths, and he loves his cats. So he decided to link those passions together.

Krueger’s four cats get to look down on their owner for nearly 100 yards of overhead catwalks. They can also scamper away to their choice of hideouts, all with proper lighting and padding.

Krueger says “To me it feels like we’re a family living here.”

He’s been at it for more than fifteen years, carving through his walls to create elaborate passageways. It’s like a puzzle he say’s that he never quite finishes

“I think about it constantly. I can’t fall asleep. I’m still thinking about it, thinking about the design. I wake up, I’m thinking about it. I’m thinking about it all day at work.”

It’s an obsession that started making sense last fall when he saw a doctor.

“Cause I have Asperger’s syndrome, I’m probably not the best at socializing.”

Finally diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome at the age of 49, Krueger considers his form of autism to be a blessing that gives him great focus.

“Obviously, my house would not be like this if i didn’t have Aspergers. If it takes a long time, I don’t care, because if I like what I’m doing, I almost don’t want to finish what I’m doing.”

He’s doing it for those who’ve always seemed to understand him; from the time he was a boy. Others may see them as different, even distant, but Greg Krueger and his cats have a closeness that works.

“I don’t feel like I live alone, even though I’m the only person living here. We’re like a family.”

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