Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Gay Men Are Filmed Touching A Vagina For The First Time And Things Get Weird

Earlier this month, we brought you lesbians touching a penis for the first time, which was a hilariously awkward video that we loved. But in comments sections around the world, there was an outcry of, “I bet they’ll never do a video of a gay guy touching a woman’s vagina!” Well, prepare to eat your words.
Once again, the guys from the YouTube channel, BriaAndChrissy, are back with an educative video on the human anatomy.
To be fair, every single word these guys say are incredible reminiscent of the first time I – a straight man – touched a vagina;
Nonetheless, I was a straight man, 100% up for the challenge, and now I’m a dedicated vag-itarian. So, what is it like for gay guys who have gone through their lives with no desire to get anywhere near a female lady garden? Will they have any idea how to get around? (Because there have been times where I could have done with a map). Will they be grossed out? Maybe they’ll enjoy it?
Well, this is Stevie – she’s a woman “who happens to have a vagina”;
